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The Great Laguna Clean-Up!
Help Take Care of Your Local Waterway- Grab Some Garbage!
Saturday, October 17, 9:00am-12:00pm
Location: Laguna Wetlands Preserve, entrance near
Sebastopol Community Center, 390 Morris Street, Sebastopol
Suitable for all ages. Minors must be accompanied by an adult.

Help us clean up the City of Sebastopol’s Laguna Wetlands Preserve before the rain starts falling and washes trash into our rivers. Meet at the entrance to the Preserve amphitheatre near the Sebastopol Community Center at 390 Morris Street, Sebastopol. Bring gloves and friends. We’ll provide snacks. No RSVP required. Only heavy rain cancels.

For more information, see
Or contact Hattie Brown, Conservation Science Programs Manager, Laguna de Santa Rosa Foundation
(707) 527-9277 x 105,

South High Street to Ives Park

South High Street to Ives Park

The City Council will hold a public hearing as Agenda Item no. 2 of their regular meeting on Tuesday, May 5, to consider funding a feasibility study for for possible new east-west and north-south pedestrian and bicycle trails or other improvements. The study would include public outreach and community workshops, as well as feasibility and alternatives analysis, and may identify amendments to the Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan.  This is a follow-up to the recommendations from the Complete Streets Advisory Committee in November 2014. The staff report for this item is available on the City website

At the November meeting, some of the neighbors of the proposed routes voiced strenuous objections for a variety of reasons, including privacy and safety, but while the study could include City streets, parks and public easements over private property, it would not be focused on particular routes. In addition, the feasibility study grant for the Petaluma-Sebastopol Trail includes study of the portion between the Joe Rodota Trail and the City limits, so an additional feasibility study might not be needed for the north-south route. Alternatives to funding the feasibility study could include support for completing more of the projects already identified in the Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan.

Consider attending the May 5 meeting to support transportation alternatives for Sebastopol and spread the word. If you are unable to attend, send a note to the Council, care of Mary Gourley, City Clerk:

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